I recently came across the following quote sometimes attributed to motivational speaker Tony Robbins: “If you do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten.”
The quote resonates with me, because I am preparing to launch a new book the same way I launched the previous two, yet expecting it to sell better than they did. How can I honestly expect anything different if my plan of action is the same as it was? Or if I don’t really have a plan? Obviously, I desperately need to redirect the process this time.

If my expectations aren’t being met, if my goals go unachieved, then something has to change.
How will I go about making the necessary changes?
- Become aware of the problem. In other words, stop pretending it’s not there. Stop denying.
- Decide what I want to accomplish. What are my goals? My expectations?
- Decide when I want to accomplish my goals.
- Decide how to meet these goals. This may take a bit more effort to break down, but this might be a good time to put the SMART method into action. I was reminded of this at an InScribe WorDshop I attended in Saskatoon this spring, in a workshop led by Sally Meadows, who expanded the acronym to SMARTER:
S — Specific
M— Measurable
A— Actionable
R— Risky (discomfort can be a catalyst for growth)
T— Time-keyed
E— Exciting
R— Relevant
- And one more thing. I need to make myself accountable to someone, at regular intervals. I need to reassess my progress from time to time. And I need that objective viewpoint to encourage me forward.

Even if the changes I make are small, the outcome will improve. And life is for learning.
Hello Jan, Good post. Your quote is a good one to discuss in many different areas. I’ve heard it applied to churches too when they hit roadblocks. How are you doing on that latest novel? Is that the one you mentioned months ago that you may ask me to edit? Carolyn
Carolyn R. Wilker FineTune Editing519-570-9595contact@carolynwilker.ca
https://www.carolynwilker.ca/ http://poetpotter.blogspot.ca http://www.editors.ca/profile/2667/carolyn-wilker
“When your words count most, hire an editor.”
Thanks, Carolyn. Yes, I did plan to get a professional edit for this book, but I don’t think I have the money right now. I’ve passed quite a bit of it through my writing critique group, and also have a number of author friends reading it, so that will have to do. I also need to get it to my formatter before July, so time is short. However, I will be resurrecting an unpublished manuscript for next spring, so if I feel I have sufficient funds, I will keep you in mind. I appreciate your expertise and willingness to edit for me.
Very interesting article. Thanks.
It was great to see you today. You looked so pretty and I can now see the sparkles back in your eyes. Honestly. Your eyes did not have sparkles last time I saw you.
Hoping to connect again when Chris calls us to gather.
Enjoy that sunshine.
… Cathy L.
Sent from my iPad
Cathy, your comments mean so much to me. I finally feel like myself again, and even getting stronger physically. Must be the gardening and yard work! It was great to see you too. You are sunshine. I hope the rest of your time at work goes very well.