Fiction Writing 101 — #1 — Me? A Writer?
How do I become a writer? What are the qualifications? The short answer is: you become a writer by writing. Doesn’t matter what you write or whether or not you’re …
How do I become a writer? What are the qualifications? The short answer is: you become a writer by writing. Doesn’t matter what you write or whether or not you’re …
Need an infusion of Christmas spirit? Join Pastor Steve, Stanley and the gang at New Life Shelter for Men as they band together to salvage the annual fundraiser Christmas pageant. …
An Unexpected Glory by Marcia Lee Laycock – review Read More »
This has been an exciting week. A touch of stomach flu one day, a new book released a couple of days later. Up and downs, just like real life. I’m …
Other Side of the River — Volume 1 — The Winds of Change Read More »
I write a monthly blog for Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship professional blogsite. When I first agreed, somewhat nervously, to write four blog posts a year, besides keeping up with my personal blog …
Where did the summer go? July, for me, was wonderfully busy with houseguests and family visits, gardening and yard work, summer projects and remembering to relax with my grandkids. But …
I slog. I thought I had coined the word, but apparently Miriam Webster got there first. The definition, however, fits precisely: “to plod heavily.” Yes, I am a slogger. Why …
Those of us who live on the Canadian prairies have lived through an extremely long winter, and even now with the arrival of May, spring is reluctant to commit. Someecards, …
From cover to cover, this book is a success, offering positive insights and suggestions to a specific group of people: those between the ages of 45 and 64 who are …
A Book Review: 3D Success – Changing Careers in Mid Life by Linda Wegner Read More »
Last weekend I was privileged to present a workshop on “editing for submission” at our annual His Imprint Christian Writing Conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I used an idea from a …
Why is it so difficult to do a thing we love, a thing we are good at, even? Why would we—okay, why would I—rather do laundry or clean the toilet …