In my younger years, I had many role models, people I admired and looked up to. Usually, they were—in my estimation—older than I, smarter, morally admirable, and unfailingly kind.
As I grew older, I was often disappointed by these people. Either they acted in a manner unfitting for them, or they spoke unkindly to me or someone I cared about, or they turned out not to be as confident as I thought they were.

I realize now that I held people up as examples when I shouldn’t have, but at the time, I needed someone to model myself after, people who shared certain expectations and beliefs I had for myself. I know now that while attempting to withhold judgment on others, I still must take care to evaluate the lives of those I set up to emulate.
Looking at it from the other side, how many times have I come up short in the eyes of others who may have held me up as an example? We don’t always keep this in mind when we act, or speak.
We can’t live to please everyone, but we can certainly aim to live within the values we claim to hold. My dad used to say, jokingly, “Don’t do what I do; do what I tell you.” But if we truly care about our example and our values, we will attempt to live accordingly. (Dad did a great job, by the way; one of my best role models.)
I still have people in my life who I value highly enough to emulate, but the only way I can think of to live it out myself is to follow the only unfailing example I know: Jesus. A perfect man who is also God Almighty. Others can and do inspire me. Others motivate me. But they can also disappoint. Jesus is the only one who doesn’t let me down. I don’t always understand his ways, but I know they are true and right and good. And I’m so thankful that he gives us the example to follow.
What reflection do we see in life’s mirror?

How true that we are not living on an island and must remember our responsibility of the example we set for others, especially children who are watching us. I also remember that disappointment of seeing a role model make mistakes. You are so right in saying Jesus is our perfect example and it is him we should look to. We must also remember that he is God. I’ve had to learn that, while I am only human, I must forgive myself of times when I’ve slipped and also forgive others for their mistakes. Perhaps love is the greatest lesson Jesus teaches us, over all.
How right you are, Sheri.
Thanks for the reminder that, although we can be inspired by others and learn from others, Jesus is the only infallible model we can follow.
And thanks for your reply, Sharon.