An Unexpected Glory by Marcia Lee Laycock – review

Need an infusion of Christmas spirit? Join Pastor Steve, Stanley and the gang at New Life Shelter for Men as they band together to salvage the annual fundraiser Christmas pageant.
Marcia Lee Laycock’s delightful tale is a “Best Christmas Pageant Ever” scenario, with characters just as unlikely, just as quirky, and just as refreshing. In the short span of 28 pages, we become attached to the characters, cheering them on as they reach inside themselves to keep the show from being canceled. The sold-out crowd expects a professional pageant, but the cast and backdrops are as ordinary and yet as profound as they were that first Christmas night. Both cast and audience are blessed with an unexpected glory.
The story, told in readable, conversational style, is encouraging and uplifting, funny and poignant; a perfect early Christmas read.
Note: This short story by Marcia Lee Laycock is Volume 5 of Kathy Macias’ 12 Days of Christmas

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