Book Review: A Beautiful Mess by Brenda S. Anderson

As Erin Belden struggles to maintain sanity in her upside-down world, even her current mess continues to spiral downward. How is she going to cope with the unthinkable? How can she possibly keep bitterness and anger from overwhelming her?

I learned several valuable lessons reading this beautiful, messy story:

— when you think nothing more can go wrong, it can

— when you think God can’t love you anymore, He can and He does

— when you are sure you can’t do what God is asking, you can…with His help

— when you feel alone, you are not

I was reminded that nothing can compare with God’s mercy. He loves jerks and sinners and lost souls, and welcomes them home. He loves insecure and frightened pilgrims, and draws them to Himself. I have no right to judge, only to obey, no matter what He asks of me. 

Author Brenda S. Anderson weaves difficult and desperately dark threads into a sweet tapestry of forgiveness and peace, but the process is long, and there are many knots and frays along the way. I especially like the character of Clara, the 3-year-old, who adds light and color to the fabric of the story, to the lives of those she comes to love.

A highly recommended read for anyone dealing with life’s unexplained troubles, and that includes all of us.

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