JANICE: Good morning, Glynis. Thanks for appearing on my blog today. How long have you been writing and how did you come to it?

GLYNIS: Yikes. True confessions. I have been writing all my life, but I will define a time frame of 31 years because that is when I took a 12-week freelance writing course that changed my life. With knees a-knocking I was encouraged to approach our local newspaper and to ask them if they might be interested in a little ‘slice of life’ editorial. They said yes. I was in. I ended up writing that column for 11 years and it was my springboard to much more. God nicely began opening doors for me.

JANICE: Who are some of the people who most influenced your decision to write?

GLYNIS: I think the best influencers in my life, not counting some amazing writers of great books, has to be teachers who said things like, that story really spoke to me, or very good job on that assignment. There was one teacher in particular, Mrs. McLeod. When I first came to Canada, she took me under her wing, protected me from bullies and told me that I could do anything I wanted if I put my mind to it. She encouraged me to write and love literature. My mother, too, was a weaver of words and wrote poetry that both mesmerized and made me chuckle.

JANICE: What’s your preferred genre?

GLYNIS: Oh how I love writing for children. I have won a few awards for some of my stories and let me tell you, there is nothing better than hearing someone say, “My child loves your book and wants me to read it to her every night!”

That said, I love writing short stories too, especially when it is sprinkled with a bit of humour and a lot of hope.

JANICE: Why do you write?

I write because if I didn’t I would explode. And I would likely annoy people because I have so much to say and share and tell the world about and if I couldn’t do that by writing, it may come out in chatter! So I write because I love the way I get to express myself by stringing words together. There is just something extremely pleasing and satisfying about the rhythm of words that thrills me. I have a million stories bubbling inside me and I am excited to share and comfort and offer hope, encourage a soul, make someone laugh; not to mention, I am always amazed that people are interested in what I write.

JANICE: How and where do you write? Are you a plotter or a pantser?

GLYNIS: I am actually a different breed – I call myself a ‘Planster!’I plan sometimes. I write by the seat of my pants other times. If I am writing a book for adults, particularly non-fiction, I do tend to plan a bit more. But most of the time, for short stories, particularly humour, I just write and let each word hold hands and tug me along. Children’s stories, I usually have an idea where I am going but it’s not often I plan that out in a storyboard or the like, unless it’s a lengthy chapter book. I write in my office – some in my family have dubbed it the ‘dungeon.’ But it’s quiet, cluttered (in an organized way) and positively inspiring. I have to have dead silence when I write, though, otherwise my brain, which lends itself to a little attention deficit, engages in even the slightest noise. I am in awe with people (like my daughter) who work with background music or while watching TV.


JANICE: Where do you get your ideas? What inspires you?

GLYNIS: I was a private tutor for 18 plus years so much fodder came from my delightfully honest and playful, often care-free students who didn’t mince words. I am fascinated with people in general and sometimes I think I have a little insight into deeper feelings. I watch body language pretty closely and love cheering for the underdog. I can come up with plenty of ideas from a conversation or a sentence dropped. I love titles. Most of the time when I write (anything) I have to have a title first. I love taking notes when listening to sermons. Sometimes I am inspired to write or respond to something that was said and I have ideas popping up all over the place so my notebooks are littered with asterisks.

JANICE: How do you research and how do you know you can trust your sources?

GLYNIS: I admittedly do love how easy it is to search online, but that said, there is nothing like good old book research and even better – conversations with ‘those who were there’ if possible.

JANICE: What do you like most / least about writing?

GLYNIS: I just love the process of writing and how I get to pour words onto the page and see how most of the time, they make sense. I love the actual creation and then I don’t even mind the editing, although I wasn’t always like that. I used to not like when others messed with ‘my baby’ but I have been the recipient of some excellent editing that vastly improved my work and ultimately allowed ‘my baby’ to grow up and mature nicely. As far as what I don’t like – it has to be the marketing. I really dislike plugging my own work and promoting it. I would much sooner love on others and talk about their brilliant work!

JANICE: I can see that from you! What are some of the best methods of promoting your work?

GLYNIS: Oh and look at that! The next question is about promotions. I think having a faithful following is the best. Word of mouth means good sales. I sell a lot of books during speaking engagements and if I have referenced any of my books, that usually results in more sales. I have some good business people in my community who sell my books, and I have a little book boutique in a local grocery store, which actually does pretty good most months – especially at Christmas! Facebook, surprisingly, is a great place for me to get connected with people. I do sell quite a few books this way, too.

JANICE: What are your favorite / most effective social media?

GLYNIS: You might have guessed by now that Facebook is a great place for me. I moderate a private ‘Angel Hope’ group with over 500 members – writers, readers, librarians, editors, bookstore owners and others. We engage in conversation every day and then in the evening I feature a Canadian (usually) published book, article, blogpost, artwork, poetry and more. I have learned so much from this group and our “Angels” as I call the members. It’s a great networking place for writers and others. Another social media that I like – although I should use it more, is Twitter. I am trying to get a little more active on there. I also have a Linked In profile and am on Pinterest, too. But I don’t do much with those (yet). I am also thinking about Instagram but for sure I will need my children or grandchildren to give me a tutorial or two!

JANICE: I enjoy your Angel Hope group, Glynis. You have a lot going on. How do you balance professional time with personal time?

GLYNIS: Personal time? What’s that? Because I have a home office and I also run a little publishing company, I am on the go constantly it seems. But I also care for my 90-year-old father 24/7 so I can’t spend my entire life in my office. My husband and I have made a deal that every morning before we do anything, we meet on the couch in the living-room and have a time of devotion, Bible reading, prayer and some good old one on one conversation. Then we have porridge. It is the best part of the day and a great way to focus before we jump into the craziness and the busyness of both our jobs. If our children need anything or want help or need an ear, we try to drop everything and be there. Weighing priorities gets easier as one gets older.

JANICE: What are you currently reading? Do you prefer digital or print?

GLYNIS: I have a lovely TBR (To Be Read) pile beside my bed and it never shrinks. I am a bedtime reader and love drifting off with a book. I am reading two books right now. One is called Princess Elizabeth. It’s a lovely old book written in 1930 and is all about the childhood of Queen Elizabeth II. I also am working my way through my latest Chicken Soup for the Soul book – Spirit of Canada. I have a story in that volume but am having fun reading everyone else’s stories, too, especially those written by authors I know! Love print books the best but I do have a Kindle for dashing days and waiting times at appointments. I also have my daily devotion on there. But definitely I prefer print books.

JANICE: What are some of your favorite things? What makes you unique?

GLYNIS: I love gardening and am always in awe at the tiny seeds that I plant and then we get to be nourished by such. I always give thanks to God for his wisdom in creation and how well he provides for us. I love family. I adore children – especially my grandchildren. I love animals – dogs, chickens and horses to be exact. I almost feel like I should be singing – raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…! What makes me unique? That is definitely a question you should ask my family. They gave me a drama queen sign. Enough said.

JANICE: What keeps you going in your writing career?

GLYNIS: Well it sure isn’t the monetary payback. I think my desire to spread joy and hope and to do something that I really love doing keeps me clicking the keyboard. I do love positive feedback and especially when people who read my work say things like, “I know exactly what you mean.” “I totally relate.” Finally someone understands.” “Thanks for the encouragement.” “Your words really blessed me.” (Can you tell my love language is Words of Affirmation?)

JANICE: Yes! I understand that! How is your faith reflected in your writing?

GLYNIS: I sure hope the wholesome aspect of my work shines through even if I am not writing for the Christian market. I always try to remember, that when I write I am able to do so because of the passion God has put in my heart. Faith, fun and a wholesome read; these are the goals I want to strive for in my writing. No, not all my books have an obvious faith angle because I want some of my books in the mainstream market and sadly as soon as I mention Jesus, God or Christianity – I get tossed. But I strive to make all my writings for young and not so young God-honouring and filled with encouragement, joy, clean entertainment and a jolly good read.

JANICE: What are some things you learned from your own writing?

GLYNIS: I have learned I am not perfect. I have learned I don’t know everything. I have learned how important editing is. I have learned to have thick skin. I have learned that I need to learn something new every day. I have learned that to love what you do creates passion. I have learned how much I love to help others learn the craft of writing.

JANICE: What is your ultimate writing goal?

GLYNIS: Well, we all would like to be on that best-seller list, but actually it doesn’t bother me to not be on there. Probably my biggest goal is to please God – as cliché as that may sound. I am no great theologian, so profundity and perfection in religious belief will never be part of what I pen. But I love to think I might have tapped into even a little of God’s heart in some of my writing.

Also, I have about five or six half-done writing projects in my computer. I would one day like to see each of these to completion!

JANICE: Advice for beginning writers?

GLYNIS: Two great pearls of wisdom not written by me, but claimed by me many moons ago:

* Write from the heart and you will touch other hearts.

* Cut it down by half and leave nothing out.

And then I would like to top that off by adding:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Colossians 3:23

Loosely translated – applied passion!

JANICE: Thanks so much, Glynis, for taking time to visit with me today.

Here’s more about Glynis and her writing.



  1. Thanks, Janice and Glynis, for a delightful interview that is chock full of enthusiasm, passion, and an inside view of Glynis Belec’s mind, heart and writing success. Bless you both in your writing and in your lives.

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